CoRe Kids Therapy

Cognitive Assessments

What is a Cognitive Assessment?

 A cognitive assessment (or Intellectual Test) is used to determine a child’s learning capability by identifying their cognitive strengths and weaknesses. The assessment can provide information about whether a child is experiencing an intellectual disability, giftedness, or specific learning difficulties.

Cognitive assessments can also provide base-level information that may inform signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), memory difficulties, some intellectual disabilities, or learning disabilities like reading or writing difficulties or dyslexia.

Cognitive assessments are often completed in conjunction with other assessments to provide psychologists and families with a robust understanding of a child’s difficulties. This then enables the provision of the best/most targeted support possible.

What is involved in the process:

  • Play-based testing interviews with the child where possible;
  • Interviews and questionnaires with relevant parents/carers and teachers;
  • Report generation, which summarises the key information gathered from the interviews, questionnaires, and testing;
  • Recommendations made based on the information gathered;
  • Feedback sessions for the parents/carers.

Additional testing may include the following:

  • Memory Assessment
  • Specific Learning Disorder Assessment (Reading and writing)
  • Anxiety Assessment

For more information about a cognitive assessment or additional assessments, or to book a cognitive assessment, please get in touch with the CoRe Kids Therapy team at or 0401 517 014.